Sunday, November 26, 2006


It's always nice to be home. Without the distractions of NYC (work, bars, noise from the street, etc.), I can't help but relax. However, each time I return, there seem to be fewer trees and more construction and traffic. Mini-malls with parking lots and cheap apartments/townhomes are spreading like kudzu along the outer parts of town. Personally I feel this detracts from the town's charm, though most residents think the developments are "progress." It's unrealistic for me to expect my hometown to remain the same as 15-20 years ago, but I guess I'd prefer that.

I was surprised to discover wine is more expensive in south GA than NYC. Selection is dominated by domestic wines. The labels I recognized were at least a few dollars more than what I see in NY. Does Bee Liquors hook me up? Or is there just a built-in discount for volume in Manhattan wine stores because there are so many NYers drinking lots of wine?


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