Wednesday, February 22, 2006

And now, we assess and reflect

I love where I grew up. Though when I return I'm always reminded that living in NYC is different than living in GA. Not necessarily better, but definitely different.

1) Soon after I got on MARTA at the airport Friday, I overheard someone say something like "Look at that white girl!" The comment came from a bunch of teens who happened to be black. I wondered who they were talking about -- and eventually I realized they might be referring to me. I'm in the racial minority every time I ride the subway in NYC but I'm usually not addressed as "white girl." NY isn't free of racism, but why is race still such an immediate differentiator in the South?

2) The acclaimed Bodies exhibit (currently on display in lower Manhattan) will soon be traveling to Atlanta. Sunday's AJC contained a 2-page editorial dogging the exhibit, saying it disrespects the dead. I'm all for freedom of speech, but isn't a lackluster review enough?

3) Widening GA 400 and revamping 316. I feel so strongly about this issue, I can't even attempt to make it a philosophical question. Just stop building roads and start expanding public transportation options. Stop giving people an excuse to spend hours in their car every day and start incenting them to use public transportation. NYC traffic is no joke, but we have like 8 million people on a 12-mile island. (And if you're stuck in traffic you made a choice to be there --you could have taken the train, biked or walked).


Blogger newyawk2000 said...

Like they never saw a white girl b4!

11:59 AM  

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