Go West
My new client is based in Irvine, CA, so I’m out here for some meetings and a conference. I flew in a little early to visit Karen. I’ve seen Karen in NY and Atlanta, but I haven’t seen her family in over 2 years. As it turns out, they’re moving to Denver in two weeks, so this trip was well-timed!

Karen and Scott’s “nuggets,” Sebastian and Annabel.
Had dinner Wed. night at Mosun in Laguna Beach. It was actually the best sushi I’ve eaten in a very long time. In my experience, restaurants in Laguna are laid-back and beachy; however, this place was packed & fairly lounge-y/club-y, with low-lighting and a DJ spinning in a corner. Somehow it worked, though.
After client meetings today I checked into my hotel. Then I hit the beach. Did I mention that it’s sunny & in the 80s here? (Compared to 40s in NYC.)

Surf City, USA: the Huntington Beach pier.
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