Thursday, November 01, 2007

Unwelcome treat

I worked late on Halloween, and got home around 11 pm. A few policemen and a handful of residents were standing outside my building. Then I saw my next-door neighbor in the entry hallway talking to more policemen. Apparently a random acquaintance of hers climbed up scaffolding in front of our building and broke into her apt. from the fire escape (while she was inside). FYI, we live on the 5th floor.

After the cops left, I walked upstairs with her, helped her check her place out and locate her cats. Then I went into my apt. and figured out he'd been in there too! I first noticed my window blinds were awry, and upon closer inspection, realized the window screen had been removed. Fortunately nothing in my apt. was missing or even moved, I think he may have just come in because he wasn't sure which apt. was hers. Not that that makes it better...


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