Many major heads of state and foreign dignitaries have been in town this week because the United Nations’ General Assembly has been in session. This prompts extreme security measures and essentially closes significant parts of the city to traffic. Fun, fun! Mr. Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, was wildly successful in attracting an insane amount of attention. Columbia University asked him to address its School of International Public Affairs on Monday. He did so, and he also gave a speech at the UN Tuesday. Should he have even been invited to Columbia in the first place? Should he have been allowed to speak there? Why does he make the kinds of statements he does? How much power does he truly have in world politics? Everyone has an opinion, and the discussion could go on and on. But one thing is for sure: I’ve never seen one person generate so much outrage, protest, and emotion in this city. It has been kinda wild to witness.

Columbia "welcoming committee."

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