Ooh la la
I saw the movie "Amelie" Friday night (now that it's been out for over 6 years). Really cute film. It probably was even more ground-breaking when it was first released, but I'm glad I finally got around to watching it. Have never been to Paris’ Montmartre neighborhood. Now it’s probably packed with American tourists searching for the Two Windmills Café.
To prove I do have some cultural timeliness I saw "2 Days in Paris" Sunday during its opening weekend. I laughed out loud.. a lot! I like the writer/director/actress Julie Delpy, particularly her relatively recent film "Before Sunset" (in which she also acted and co-wrote the screenplay). Her new film was also very dialogue-heavy (like Before Sunrise/Sunset), but had a good helping of neuroses.

Spotted: Parker Posey on the corner of 12th Street & 1st Avenue Saturday. While not French, she does visit Paris in her latest movie "Broken English."
A family friend works at the "Two Mills café," and it's definitively real.
"Two days in Paris" started out cute: the equal opportunity boyfriend not carrying his girlfriend's giant suitcase; mean new yorker not helping fellow midwesterners at the airport but screwing with them; american boy getting ill as soon as he gets to paris - all my US friends always get allergies; French people's sex-centric conversations, etc.... But I thought the second half was not cute at all, with Julie Delpy's character turning psychotic, unrealistic, and becoming the main, less interesting subject of the flick.
Was wondering what you thought of this film; glad you'd seen it. I didn't like the latter half of the movie (when they were fighting) either. But Julie Delpy's character struck me as more passionate & perhaps emotionally unstable; it didn't bother me that much. But perhaps that's the NYer in me talking. Were you worried that she was poorly representing French women? ;)
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