Hot as balls
Let’s go Yankees! (clap – clap – clap clap clap). Was offered tix to the Yankee game Thursday afternoon. I haven’t utilized a “Summer Friday” at work yet, so why not take a Summer Thursday? Went to the game with Charles. I haven’t been to Yankee Stadium in a really long time, easily 10 years. A new stadium is being built across the street from the existing one, so it’s just a matter of time before the original one gets knocked down. It was in the 90s and humid, so thankfully our seats were covered/in the shade. Even though I like hot weather & can deal with the heat, it was still really hot. The Yankees lost to the White Sox, and A-Rod didn’t hit his 500th home run. However both teams scored 8 runs in the 2nd inning, which made it the highest scoring 2nd inning in MLB history.

Action on the diamond.

Who are all these people? It’s the middle of the day on a Thursday! Doesn’t anyone work?

Very tiny Yankee fan.
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