Friday, September 29, 2006

Manhattan survived without me

I was sick with a throat infection the whole time I was in Vancouver and am still ill & quite exhausted. On Wed., my first day back in NY, I worked from the East Village. Slept in late, and enjoyed a bagel, coffee and the Post in Tompkins Square Park. Later I had some sort of yummy vanilla nut crème tea at a relatively new café named B Cup. In the corner deli, I ran into Alberto (owner of Barbone), and he gave me the news of his place: the menu is starting to switch from summer to fall fare, he’s interviewing cooks so the restaurant can be open Mondays, and Michael Stipe and Mario Batali have been twice for dinner. Hopefully Alberto will still give me a table when the masses start clamoring to get in. To properly commemorate my return, I stopped by Satsko for a quick dinner of gyoza. It was like hanging out in my living room. Mike gave me an update. Though I wasn’t drinking sake because I'm taking antibiotics, and I think that bothered him. Ha!


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