Bush in the Boro
President George W. Bush visited my hometown today to campaign for a Republican congressman. Aside from the Georgia-Florida game, it’s all my mother has been able to speak about for the past week. When you live in a rural area, it’s pretty exciting to have a sitting president hanging out in your town. (As opposed to NYC, where Presidential traffic snarls and heightened security are upsetting and annoying.) I suppose I can understand the Republican political agenda of trying to maintain control of Congress in next week’s elections. However, Bush already spoke at a fundraiser for this candidate in Savannah after Labor Day. Which makes me wonder: how is the leader of our county able to fly to Southeast Georgia twice in two months to stump? Maybe I am missing something, but does it make sense for him to prioritize his time this way? Perhaps this explains why the Gulf Coast is still in ruins 14 months after Katrina and the US is woefully underprepared for and underprotected from another terrorist attack.